We get a lot of flies. Regular flies. Fruit flies. Gnats. Whatever those damn things with wings that tend to love my coffee and wine more than I do.
While we have have a fly trap in our backyard (a review on that will be coming later!), I felt we needed something inside our home to get the flies who somehow escape the death trap of the fly bag.
As I perused through Target, I saw there were lighted fly traps to be used indoors. I was particularly drawn to the Zero Flying Insect Trap. Well, I was intrigued. How would this contraption work? How often would I need to change it? Does it justify the $25 price tag? Can my home actually be safe from all these f*cking flies?
A sista has questions.
As I researched the reviews on Amazon, many people had overwhelming positive things to say and the reviews didn’t seem to be a quid pro quo type of situation. Still, I wondered was I going to have the same amazing experience or was it going to be a wa-wa-waaaaaaaah situation.
After going through the simple instructions, I installed it in the kitchen plug-in. And then I waited. I had some flies all over the place so I’m like, yoooo….hurry up?
After waiting for flies to die, because that’s pretty much what it is, I stopped caring and went about my business in cleaning up the rest of the house.
That’s when I realized….wait, I have no flies!
Now, I’m not claiming this is a miracle worker and honestly, for the refill price, I’m not sure if this is something I would purchase on the regular, but this is nice!
So, let’s do a pros and cons:
You can purchase this anywhere. I found Amazon was cheaper than my local Target.
You only have to purchase the kit once, and then the refills after.
It works!
The price is a little steep if you’re on a budget.
You will have to change out the backing and that might be gross to some.
I say it’s worth a try. I have currently installed in my kitchen so it does seem to work. Let me know if it works for you!